Understanding The Extent of Anxiety That Might Be Impacting Your Child’s Happiness

Understanding The Extent of Anxiety That Might Be Impacting Your Child’s Happiness

Written by Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist How To Recognise Your Child Is Anxious We all want ‘Just Right Kids’.  We want our kids to be well-adjusted, happy, relaxed and enjoying their lives.  Kids can find life stressful and this article looks at the...
Your Classroom Sensory Environment: Is it Time for a Painless Classroom Detox to Start the Year?

Your Classroom Sensory Environment: Is it Time for a Painless Classroom Detox to Start the Year?

Your classroom sensory environment – why bother about it? Okay, before we get into the nitty gritty, let’s take a minute to think about our favourite relaxation place. Is it On the beach? At your favourite restaurant? Curled up in bed or on the couch reading a book?...