Season 2 Episode 1 - Building Early Readers: Expert Insights with Dr. Rubman This episode of the...
Chore Wars with Kids: Get it Done without the Drama (With Tips)
Chores. No one likes them, right? Especially not kids. If it seems that there is always some...
Weighted Blankets: A Sensory Tool to Promote Calm
Weighted blankets are becoming more well-known (as well as more widely available) in recent times,...
Teens and Big Emotions: How to Navigate Stormy Waters – and Survive!
Big emotions and adolescence go together; it’s a fact of life, and we’ve all been through it. But...
Test Anxiety: Helping Your Teen Get Through End-of-Term Assessments (with tips)
Test anxiety is real. Just ask any student who’s looking forward to the end of the term with...
Storm Anxiety: 5 Ways to Help Your Child Cope with Wild Weather
Storm anxiety in humans is nothing new. Wild weather has been around since the beginning of time,...
Chaos to Calm: Be Curious but not Critical
You can feel it happening again. Despite your repeated, reasonable requests, your child is STILL...
Learning Disorders In Children and Youth: Pandemic Disruptions See an Increase in Misdiagnoses
Learning disorders are slipping through the cracks, according to a new study published in Nature...
Postural Sway, ADHD and Anxiety: When Staying Upright is a Challenge
Postural sway is a natural function of the body’s balance mechanism. It’s one of the key reasons...
Episode 57 – Recovery After the Floods
Episode 57 - Recovery After the Floods This episode of the Superstar Practical Strategies helps...
Post-Flood Worries: Help Your Child Manage Anxiety
After a flood, many families will take time to recover. This will depend partly on the level of...
Episode 56 – Anxiety and War: Help Your Child Win the Battle
Episode 56 of the Superstar Practical Strategies help parents cope with the anxiety that their...