Weighted Blankets: A Sensory Tool to Promote Calm

Weighted Blankets: A Sensory Tool to Promote Calm

Weighted blankets are becoming more well-known (as well as more widely available) in recent times, with many parents and professionals recommending them for the benefits they offer to children with sensory issues.  But do they live up to their reputation? Let’s dive...
Toilet and Potty Training with Landy Peek| Ep 34

Toilet and Potty Training with Landy Peek| Ep 34

   .  .    In Episode 34 of the Life Skills 4 Kids Podcast Deb talks with Landy Peek from Roswell, New Mexico, in the United States. Landy is an Occupational Therapist who works with kids who need pelvic therapy and today they are discussing potty and toilet...